March 26, 2020
Dear Jesus Is Lord Church USA Family and Friends,
The decision to suspend all in-person worship and gatherings is an effort to assist in halting the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This change certainly creates a new set of challenges for all of us. We really are building the bridge as we are walking across it. One new challenge we are facing is addressing ministry needs in situations that are different from our traditional ways of doing ministry.
We want you to know that all in-person meetings are either postponed or being held virtually through Facebook as we follow the advice of the Center for Disease Control (CDC). We have cancelled ALL in-person gatherings including Worship Services, Life Group Gatherings, Prayer Meetings, Trainings until further notice. We will monitor the CDC’s recommendations and will let you know when it’s appropriate to gather in person for worship once again.
During this unprecedented time of a global pandemic, the Church is more important than ever. Each church and ministry have a unique opportunity to serve as channels of grace, mercy, and love, as we do what Christ has commissioned us to do – to spread the Gospel at such a critical time as this. (Matthew 28:18-20)
As difficult as it is to suspend in-person worship and to practice social distancing, it is necessary to do so to protect the larger community and therefore save lives. As we hear the news of increasing cases of infection throughout our nation, it becomes more apparent that these prevention measures will not end quickly. Thus, churches need to plan creative ways to worship and share the good news. We give thanks for the many other ways we can connect while being physically apart. The CHURCH has never been the buildings in which we worship.
We aim to connect with our members and with each other in as many ways as we can. Our church leaders are trying to develop a plan for our church to care for the community while practicing social distancing.
We are strongly encouraging Christian stewardship especially during these times, making every effort to support your church’s financial obligations. We urge you to be faithful in giving and wise in spending. For this reason, our JIL USA has established different ways of an online giving available to all our congregations.
I give thanks for the innovative ways that you are adapting to this new reality, which thankfully, will not last forever. Please know that you are prayed for daily. You are not alone. Let us put our trust in God, our refuge and strength and ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). This is not the time to fear (1Tim 1:7) but to trust the God who promised that He will be our shield and our protection (Psalm 91:4).
Lastly, let us all be one in Christ as we join our hearts together in prayer to stop this global pandemic (Matthew 18:19).
God bless,
Pastor Cris Jose